Railways of Scotland

Welcome to scot-rail.co.uk, Scotland's online railway community. The group is for any rail enthusiast interested in the railways and trains of Scotland. It not only consists of the wiki that you're reading now, but a busy online forum and mailing list, which was accessible to registered users. From April 2024 the forum has closed, with a replacement started on Groups.io.

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This is the index page for the scot-rail.co.uk wiki, a place where you will find lots of information about Scotland's railways. Information has been split up into the following subjects:

  • Railway Infrastructure: Including signalling diagrams, route clearance and details of railway lines across Scotland

  • Rail Travel: Information about tickets and timetables

  • History: Including station re-openings and accidents

There is also an Events page, and a Glossary giving definitions of terms and abbreviations used on scot-rail.co.uk

This wiki is still very much under construction and we'd like you to help by adding or editing content. What's your area of Scottish railway specialism? Could you spare some time to write it up for the wiki?

If you get stuck or want to discuss your ideas with anyone, then please email the wiki editors.