Aberdeen Clayhills

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Location: Aberdeen
Operator: NXEC

Clayhills is a NXEC servicing depot in Aberdeen. The depot staff can undertake only minor exams, with more extensive maintenance being carried out at Craigentinny (Edinburgh) or Neville Hill (Leeds).

The depot services NXEC arrivals from London and Leeds, with HST sets being cleaned internally, labelled, fuelled, watered and put through the carriage washer all within a two hour layover. Currently two HSTs also stable overnight.

Although the depot is owned and operated by NXEC, other operators also make use of the facilities. The Aberdeen portion of the Caledonian Sleeper stables here during the day and is cleaned and serviced as above. The class 67 loco which works the train is also fuelled as required. First Scotrail units are occassionally put through the carriage washer if the need arises.

Network Rail test trains, various charters and the Royal Train also stable here when they visit the Granite City.