Transport Scotland

Welcome to, Scotland's online railway community. The group is for any rail enthusiast interested in the railways and trains of Scotland. It not only consists of the wiki that you're reading now, but a busy online forum and mailing list, which was accessible to registered users. From April 2024 the forum has closed, with a replacement started on
Transport Scotland is the Scottish Government's transport agency, created on January 1st 2006.

Their purpose is to help deliver the Scottish Government's vision for transport and are responsible for helping to deliver the Government's £3 billion capital investment programme for transport as a whole over the next decade.

Their specific railway objectives include:

  • Managing the franchise contract with ScotRail
  • Overseeing funding to Network Rail so it can maintain the capability and capacity of the rail network in Scotland
  • Overseeing a programme of improvements to the rail network
  • Overseeing the delivery of the Scottish Governments's Public Transport Major Projects programme - see Major Projects

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