Edinburgh Craigentinny

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Location: East side of Edinburgh
Operator: LNER
Users: LNER, Arriva CrossCountry, Network Rail, The Royal Scotsman and Charters.

Craigentinny is currently the home base for LNER'S fleet of HSTs and does everything from light maintenance to heavy duty repairs on them. Overnight, trains are maintained at the depot and cleaned for the next day's service. Craigentinny is also home to two class 08 shunters which are used as depot pilots for moving stock and dead locos - these cannot operate outwith the confines of the depot. The depot also has a wheel lathe which is used for tyre turning for both the EC fleet and various other operator's vehicles. The depot was not used for fitting the MTU engines to the EC HSTs - this is being done at Brush in Loughborough.

Although they are based at Bounds Green depot in London, EC also carry out overnight maintenance on their Class 91 + Mark 4 sets. Additionally, depot staff perform minor exams and refuelling on Arriva CrossCountry Class 220 and Class 221 units.

Craigentinny is also where the Network Rail's New Measurement Train is outbased at weekends for maintenance. The Yellow HST set usually arrives on a Saturday afternoon from Derby and departs again on a Monday lunchtime.

Other Network Rail Test Trains and Test Units also visit Craigentinny from time to time for fuelling and stabling.

Currently the trains which visit the depot are:

See Also

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